Thursday, November 17, 2016


* Backlog clearance: 1 year, credits majorly shared with Mr. Joseph Paul Olek, when we tried to write a song for James Bond but got the plot wrong!!*

Cut him down, bleed him out,
better yet, make the world run him out of town..
After all he is a spectre..

Put him down, damn his name..
sing a song about his shame,
after all he is a spectre..

When its ll over burn the body,
take the ashes, hide the grave..
No tombstones and no funeral,
just a number, not a name.

Stand him up, strike his face,
let the world see his fall from grace;
after all he is a spectre..

Hold him down, play him dead,
break his bones but don't kill him yet..
after all he is a spectre..

Let them see what he's come to;
For queen and country, the first wave..
God save the spectre from his fate,
draw the line in, he's the bait!

Bring guns in the night when he calls out,
hold on for the final count..
The spectre, he will pass this way and
there's nowhere left to run..

Hatch your plots as you rain death upon them,
shake and stir them as you please;
There's a storm that will creep up on you..
After all he is a spectre..

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