Sunday, October 7, 2012

Waiting for you to smile..

Everything, will be alright..
Even if its not every day and night.
There will be times, when you feel let down,
when they're at you and screaming all around.
Now don't you break,no giving up..
You know you'll come through,though its rough.

So take it all in your stride..
watch as your spirit takes flight..
there's a whole world out there,
waiting for you to smile..

Everything flows by,you're right there on top..
You're standing apart from everything that's on.
How can you smile,when your tears are unshed?
How can you laugh when what you hoped for is gone?

Oh yes, you'll smile one day,
your light will show you the way
and there's a whole world out there,
waiting for you to fly..

Everything holds true,the answers in you.
Baby,this day is going,going and gone.
You'll know when your tears have dried up finally
and sweetheart, its gonna feel like a brand new dawn..

Everything, will be alright..
Just you wait, its gonna turn out fine..

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Summer love

On a cloudless windy morning,
Think it was the eighth of may.
On the sand, near the sea,
In the sun I lay..

Walking up and down the beaches..
Looking for some peace of mind..
About to go back,
I turned to my right..

Hair blowing in the wind, the sparkle in her eyes..
Did time take a break? I never realised.
The dimple in her cheek, her fingers brushed her lips..
I can’t remember when I’ve felt like this.

Why am I, floating up from here?
And what is this music in my ears?
Now I don’t know for how long I just stood there,
Watching her, as the world passed us by.

Hold my heart..
Oh my summer love
Hold me until I’m gone..
my summer love..

I didn’t know then, if I was dreaming..
How could this angel be standing
Right beside me..
I wanted to reach out.

Then you turned to me,
And looked into my eyes..
That’s when I found paradise.
Right then we were the only people in the world...
I knew that you were mine, my summer girl!

Why am I, floating up from here?
And what is this music in my ears?
Now I don’t know for how long we just stood there..
Hand in hand, as the summer passed us by.

Hold my heart..
Oh my summer love
Hold me until I’m gone..
my summer love..

F*&#ing common man..

(common man speaks) 
I'm back again,another day,but the same old thing... 
Last night I dreamt, dreamt of change ,and the jokes on me...oh,yet again!! 

They said "We will make this paradise,give us just another try this time" 
Paradise was passed beneath the table top.. 
Woah-oh,we're all fucked.. 

Now I roam the streets,call for help,and they come in hordes...primetiming my cause.. 
But then oh whats this?! He dumped her!People must be told!And i'm in the cold! 

Crusades!come and go so many times,And i'm feted for a little while.. 
Three cheers, for the fucking common man! 
Salute his spirit! 

(rich boy speaks) 
Who cares!We're not on the streets tonight. 
Life's good,they've extended closing time! 
I'll have that drink with just a dash of lime.. 
Here's to the dream just for you and I...I....I....yeah! 

(gyaan giving baba speaks) 
Wake up and smell the thorns..they're all-around-,everywhere-and You've got to cut them off-don't-close-your-eyes-don't-deny-don't-deny-don't-deny...woah! 

The Call

This is the place i grew up in..
These are the people i love..
This land, is like no other..
This is my heaven above...

Through countless years of suffering,
with countless bullets pierced..
She has stood by us all..
Through all the blood,sweat and the tears.

These are the dreams of our ancestors..
for which they gave up their lives..
Can we dream no more?
Or hope against hope?That one day they stand realised..

Hold your head up high,
falter not, in your stride..
She calls for you,through the ages..
So dont you let that spirit die..

There is much to be done..
It is time to heed the call,
keep one eye on the horizon..
Be prepared, for what lies beyond..

Ballad of the damned

I wish I could, walk away,
from myself and take away,
this emotion, inside of me..
making my heart, bleed out again..

Make myself fly on angels wings..
As the pain goes by, but comes again.
Incarcerated in my brutal self,
I bleed to life.

Strange, melancholic,
fear of the angels..
comes back to haunt me,

Now I’m on my knees,
Begging for some release..
from these chains of broken dreams
and these promises I couldn’t keep.

I couldn’t keep them to myself.
Even to the harbinger of death..
As the walls closed in on me..
I couldn’t see, I couldn’t see or believe.

Dark deception and treachery,
in the hand that was dealt to me..
time to fold for one last time.
Illumination of the dark within!

Saw a ray of hope, filter in,
Moving closer around the bend.
Welcoming me with open arms..
Were the fires of hell!

No open spaces..
Can’t break these shackles..
Bound by my folly,

Now I’m holding on...
To the hope that help will come,
Take me to where I belong.
I repent for what I’ve done..

For how I turned against the world
With the pact that he unfurled.
Evil captivated me....
I couldn’t see, I couldn’t feel, what was real... 

I wish I could, walk away...

His last war..

Sabres flash, whole armies clash..
With the fury of a storm!
Blood does spurt as they bite the dust.
Another war is on...

But he’s on a song, 
‘cause he’s going home..
He’s going home,
At the break of dawn, oh yes..

Now the fury does dissolve,
as he takes his mind back in time..
flying past a blur of images,
he reaches where he belongs.

The cool winds ruffle his hair
Over once again...
Sitting under the cover of stars,
He feels at one with them.

The sound of gunfire jerks him back
To the ugly, murky present.
He looks up and turns around..
To stare into his death!

Now he’s going home,
Not the way he wanted..
His eyes are ever closed..
He won’t see the stars or feel the wind, they’re closing all the doors..

Now tell me brothers, do wars make sense..
When they tear apart these lives?
Ask the grieving widow, the orphaned child..
Who’s yet tender and naive.

Remember that old soldier..
He was on his way home.
The ghostly pallor on his lips..
It does tell it all..

He was on a song,
‘cause he was going home..
He was going home,
At the break of dawn, oh yes.. 

An ode to difference

Wading through swamps of mediocrity,
our hero he trudges on...
overcoming obstacles rooted in time;
battling ghosts whose moment is long gone.

They used to tell him,
that man can't be an island anymore...
then why, oh why, desolation,
is he knocking at thy door?

An emerald isle amidst murky waters, 
he floats across the seas of time...
Watching, waiting, for evermore?
He's on a quest for one like him...

Shunned by a world of hypocrites, 
crucified on the altar of tradition; 
he works on, not a pause..
hoping that somehow, somewhere, a connoisseur will applaud.

The hourglass is almost out of sand,
as he leaves his works on the great arena..
hidden out there in plain sight..
he's hoping that somehow, somewhere, a connoisseur will applaud.